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Greater Cleveland Food Bank Menu

Community Service

Community Service

Community Service: READ BEFORE SIGNING UP!

The Greater Cleveland Food Bank is a great place to complete community service hours for school or court. When completing hours for community service, it is the volunteer's responsibility to register as a volunteer before their first visit to the Food Bank and to sign in and out and the beginning and end of each shift. If volunteers do not sign in, we will have no record of their volunteer hours and will not be able to verify the time they have logged. If volunteers require documentation of their hours, they can print their volunteer history from their online profile. Generic service hour letters are also offered and can be signed for those who need them. Please read our guidelines below regarding specific procedures for court-ordered and school-ordered volunteers.


Court-Ordered Community Service Volunteers

The GCFB requires court-ordered volunteers to submit their court-ordered community service paperwork to the Volunteer Experience team prior to the start of their shift or they will be turned away. This paperwork must detail the crime committed. If Volunteers also require documentation of their hours for court, they must also submit separate paperwork to the Volunteer Experience team. Paperwork can be submitted in person or emailed to

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